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Prayer of Salvation

Romans 10:13


"Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."


"Whosoever" that means you!  


Say with our mouths


Verse 9 and 10 tell us that if we confess with our mouths and Believe in our Heart on the Lord Jesus Christ we "shall be saved".


It's that easy 


Verse 9 and 10 tell us how easy it is to receive salvation (eternal life with God).


Say this prayer out loud right now:


"Dear God, I want to be a part of your family. You said in Your Word that if I acknowledge that You raised Jesus from the dead, and that I accept Him as my Lord and Savior, I would be saved. So God, I now say that I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and that He is alive and well. I accept Him now as my personal Lord and Savior. I accept my salvation from sin right now.


I am now saved. Jesus is my Lord. Jesus is my Savior. Thank you, Father God, for forgiving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life with You. Amen!" 



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